A special thanks goes out to the following people who have been so generous to the Kenwood Basketball Program. We can't thank you enough. With your contributions, we were able to purchase new basketballs and pay the entrance fee to the York Christmas Tournament which will be a great experience for our kids.
Contributors to Kenwood Hoops:
The Landon Family, The Martell Family, Marian McGlaughlin, Sheila Jaskierski, The Hansen Family, The Fox Family, Jim and Pat Maley, Matt Maley, Kim Savegeau, Kelly Maley, Tommy Scavuzzo, AJ Allodi, Matt Bruckner, Kate and Steve Silva, Adam Lynch, Jim Keating, Dennis Bone and more to come
Special Thanks go out the George Family who have purchased BRAND NEW UNIFORMS for the varsity basketball Team. (PICTURES ARE SOON TO COME)
Alumni Contributors to Kenwood Athletics:
Tanya Bennett, Lakeisha Hamilton, Danielle Merriweather, Colman Lane, Gerald Desrouleaux, Alderman Antoine Collins, Marcus Buckley, and more to come
The picture at the top of this page was what are ball rack looked like before your help. The picture at the bottom is what we have now thanks to everyone's contributions.